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Rock Prairie Staff
Rev. Dr. Bruce A. Jones
Rev. Bruce originally from Northern New York State where he was a member of the Scotch Presbyterian Church. He graduated from the College of Ag and Life Sciences at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. He worked for Cooperative Extension the 4-H Youth Programs before attending University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. A life-long Presbyterian has resided in Wisconsin since his first call in Muscoda, WI (1996). Recently Rev. Bruce has served as a Transitional/Interim Pastor in Wisconsin and Illinois. He and his wife Krista (RPPC Music Director) live in Janesville. We look forward to serving in ministry together at RPPC. They have two sons, Jonathan at UW LaCrosse and Alex at Milton High School. He enjoys gardening, hiking, biking, and kayaking for outdoor activity. Rev. Bruce also enjoys musical theatre, reading suspense novels, and
classic rock-n-roll.
We invite you to join us for Worship and explore God's creation
on the Prairie.
Contact info
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Sandi Fogle
Administrative Assistant/
Sandi is a transplant from Illinois.
She started her working career in a family built and run golf course.
After the golf course was
sold, she went on to work as a dental office
manager and circulation
librarian. She is married, has 3 children
(who are triplets),
4 grandchildren, 1 dog, and 1 cat.
Sandi has also raised and taken care of goats, horses, chickens,
and rabbits.
In her free time she loves spending time outdoors, going on walks, gardening, visiting different libraries, doing jigsaw puzzles, and just keeping active.
Contact info office@rockprairiechurch.org
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Krista Jones
Music Ministry Director
Krista Jones became Director of Music Ministry in August 2021. While not formally trained as a musician, music has always been a hobby and passionate interest. She has been actively involved in church music ministry for many years, having served as the choir director at First Congregational Church (Milton) from 1984-2001. She earned a BSE in Special Education from UW-Whitewater and a MSE in Educational Leadership from UW-Madison. Retired from a career in public education, Krista currently serves as Principal of Rock County Christian School (Beloit Campus) . Krista enjoys serving in ministry with her husband Bruce and spending time with their sons, Jonathan and Alex.
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Sylvia O'Connor
Sylvia O'Connor is the organist and pianist at Rock Prairie. She also plays her harp and french horn at church. Sylvia sang in our church choir for over twenty years. Sylvia is a retired teacher-librarian who has served in Illinois, Germany, Washington D.C. and Wisconsin. She is a lifeguard at the local YMCA. Her beloved daughter lives in Milwaukee. Sylvia grew up on a beef cattle farm on the Central Illinois Prairie, so she is right at home at Rock Prairie.
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Jessica Wellnitz
Nursery Coordinator
Jessica has been a member of Rock Prairie for a few years with her husband and two young boys. Prior to being a member with her family she has many great memories of coming to Rock Prairie with her grandparents when she visited them over the weekend. Jessica graduated from UW Whitewater with a business degree and lastly was working as a secretary at an elementary school until staying home with her family. Along with her husband and two boys they have two dogs, two horses, a barn cat and a few goldfish.
In Jessica’s free time she enjoys being with her family, being outdoors, riding her horses and finding any fun kid activities to do with her boys.
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Matthew Blija
Audio/Video Technician
Matthew has been going to the church since he was 4 and was confirmed/became a member in 2009. He left Rock Prairie in 2019 when he moved to Madison, but returned in 2021. He has always had a passion for technology and is happy to have the ability to share his passion with the church. If you are ever in the balcony, feel free to say "hi."
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Michael Blija
Church Caretaker
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